Christian Education

Christian Education

The Christian Education department strives to build the faith and knowledge of our students by passing on the Catholic Church’s teachings, providing students with religious and moral reference points to help them critically examine their surrounding culture and build...
Christian Education


Applied Design, Skills & Technologies The complexity of future careers requires students to move beyond traditional paradigms of learning. The Applied Design Skills Technology Department (ADST) is focused on providing the skills young students need for success in...
Christian Education


The English Department is focused on developing students’ fundamental reading, writing and oral skills.  The department also strives to develop reading ability through exposure to and critical analysis of important literary works. The curriculum of our courses...
Christian Education


The Mathematics Department strives to teach students to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, make connections between mathematics and its applications, become mathematically literate, appreciate and value mathematics, and make informed decisions. We...
Christian Education

Modern Languages

Students at St. Thomas Aquinas have the option to pursue either French or Spanish. Those entering in grade 8 must complete up to and including French 10. Spanish is offered in Grades 11 and 12. The Language Department strives to help students authentically communicate...