Giving at STA

Why Donate

Students are at the heart of St Thomas Aquinas. We aim to inspire and support young people to lead meaningful lives.  We want to enable them to explore their ideas and pursue their dreams and ambitions. To make this a reality, we need your help.

As an independent Catholic school, St. Thomas Aquinas receives only partial funding from the government unlike public schools which receive 100% of public funds. Tuition fees and government funding cover operating costs and staff compensation.

The school raises funds to provide enriched programs, special teaching resources and facility improvements. Your donation helps us provide students with state of the art technology and extra-curricular opportunities in science, arts, academics and sports. All of which makes our school an incredible place to learn.

The Giving & Gratitude Annual Fund

The Giving & Gratitude Annual Fund is our primary school fundraising campaign. The Annual Fund aims to foster a tradition of giving and expressing gratitude within the STA community. In making a gift to the Annual Fund, you are contributing to helping every student realize his or her potential. Each October, the Annual Fund launches with our Walkathon.

The Fund addresses current and emerging needs of the school. Funds raised are immediately invested into the priorities for each school year so students can enjoy enhancements whether they are in Grade 8 or Grade 12.

Update on Build STA 

We give a BIG thanks to our donors, the North Shore Parishes and the Archdiocese. Their continued support has enabled us to build a new campus and provide our students, teachers and staff expanded academic, administrative and common spaces.

2023 & Beyond

Phase II of the Build STA campaign involves the refurbishing of the convent into the STA Centre for Performing Arts. After that, the old school will be torn down. Phase III involves the creation of an athletic field.

September 2019

Students and staff moved into the new campus. Graduating class of 2020 was the first group of STA Alumni to graduate from the new school.

The school opened the Makers Lab to support 21st century learning. The 1,850 square foot Maker’s Lab is focused on industrial design and STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math learning.

A new computer lab was added.


Phase I of the Build STA Campaign launched. Thanks to early generous commitments from many individuals and families, we surpassed our $3M goal.

How You Can Donate

The STA Giving & Gratitude Annual Fund is evergreen. Gifts are accepted year-round. Your donation can be a monthly gift or a one-time donation. The benefit of a monthly gift is that it allows you to budget your gift over a 12-month period.

All gifts of $25 or more are tax deductible and tax receipts will be provided.

  • Receipts for one-time gifts are sent to you by email as soon as your donation is received.
  • Receipts for monthly gifts are sent by email in January of each year.

Ways to Donate


You can drop off the cheque or mail it to the school:
St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Secondary School
541 West Keith Road
North Vancouver, BC V7M 1M5

Stocks and Securities

Call our Advancement Office to learn more.
604-987-4431 Ext. 3047

Credit / Debit Card

Donate Online

Frequently Asked Questions

I can only make a small donation. Will that make an impact?

Every gift, regardless of size, matters. Your gift, combined with others, becomes very significant to the school. When you give, it also presents an opportunity for the students to learn and demonstrate gratitude. Every gift gives students an opportunity to connect with the community that supports them beyond their parents.

Will my company match my donation?

Many Canadian companies will match donations their employees make to registered charities and community organizations. Ask your human resources or personnel department if they participate, and if there is a form to complete. You can complete your portion, then email it to us at STA will complete its portion of the form – and send it back to your company, which will make the match.

In addition, you can delegate your giving during the United Way campaign specifically to the Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese (CISVA). If you choose this option, in addition to selecting CISVA as the registered charity, you will need to type on the UW form for your donation to be directed to STA. STA does not have its own Registered Charity number, but CISVA does. If you choose this option, please take a print screen of your online donation and email it to us at

What are the fundraising initiatives at STA?

STA’s fundraising initiatives for each year are as follows:

  • Walkathon
  • Craft Fair
  • Campus Ministry’s International Night

For additional information of if you have any questions, contact:

Sandie Atkinson
Advancement Office
604 987 4431 ext. 3047